John Benson, well-known for his creative and original geometry problems, is sharing the following Geometry problems with other ICTM members.
"I believe that students learn mathematics best when they work on appropriate problems, problems that challenge them to create new information. I have written many such problems for the Geometry course that I teach.
These problems are aimed at honors level students and are correlated with the book Geometry for Enjoyment and Challenge which we have used for many years. It was suggested that it might be useful to others to make these problems available, so I am posting them for all ICTM members to use. Please feel free to contact me with comments or questions. I hope they make teaching a little more fun. There is not an available answer key for these problems because we always worked them out together in class. I encourage you to do the same."
The sets of problems, available for download below, are grouped by Chapters and coordinate with the text, Geometry for Enjoyment and Challenge, published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. They are, however, appropriate for all geometry courses and contain a wide variety of topics and a large range of difficulty. If you teach geometry, we know you will find many problems of interest to you and your students.