ICTM Membership Renewal Information

Thank you so much for your membership with ICTM! If you are a current member, our online system will automatically send you an e-mail with information about how to renew when you enter your "renewal period".  Your renewal period begins one month before the expiration date of your membership.  The renewal e-mail will contain a PDF invoice and a link to "Pay this Invoice Now".  That link will take you to your renewal form on our website where you can choose to pay by credit card.  You are also welcome to print the invoice and mail a check to the address listed on the invoice.  When you are in your "renewal period", you can also choose to renew by using the online application link below. Using this link will allow you to choose a 1-year, 3-year, or 5-year membership.  If you are not in your renewal period, this online link will not be available to you.  If you wanted to renew your membership before your "renewal period begins" contact our membership director directly at [email protected].  

If you used to be a member, but your membership has lapsed, just click the button below to the Online Membership Application.  Using your same username and password will access your previous information that you can update.

If you have any questions on membership renewal, paying for membership for yourself or others, or anything else membership related, please contact our Membership Director at [email protected]


Click Here for Online Membership Form


By joining ICTM as a member, your member dues allow us to continue to provide these great opportunities to teachers and students around the state.

Benefits Provided by ICTM for All Teachers

  • Connect with other educators working to improve mathematics education.
  • Contribute to mathematics education.
  • Stay current about regional, state and national meetings.
  • Attend professional development conferences. (If you are a member, your conference savings will exceed the price of membership!)
  • Earn Illinois Professional Development Hours by participating in ICTM's monthly webinars
  • Have access to the Illinois Math Teacher, a journal with articles about teaching and learning mathematics at levels from kindergarten to college.
  • Have access to the ICTM Bulletin/Newsletter with classroom activities, information about professional development opportunities, and math education news and state updates that are unique to Illinois.
  • Participate with other members through the ICTM Listserv, webinars, and social media outlets.
  • Nominate members of ICTM for ICTM awards.
  • Offer student math contests around the state for junior high and high school level.
  • Offer scholarships for college students.


Professional Activities

The Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics holds a two-day Annual Meeting in the fall. This meeting is an opportunity to hear excellent speakers, participate in workshops, and exchange ideas with other teachers. Regional meetings provide the same opportunities on a smaller scale.

The Council sponsors an annual Math Contest that includes regional competitions and state finals.

In order to promote mathematics teaching as a career, the Council awards scholarships to outstanding college students. ICTM Awards are given to honor outstanding contributions to mathematics education in Illinois.

As an affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, ICTM works to promote professional standards on the national level.

In Illinois, the Council works with its Cooperative and Affiliate Groups and the Illinois State Board of Education to improve mathematics and the teaching of mathematics.


Membership Categories

  • Full Member - Confers usual member rights for an individual. ($35 / year) or  ($100 / 3 years) or ($160 / 5 years)
  • Student Member - Confers usual member rights for a current high school or college student who has never held a paid teaching position. ($20 / year)
  • Retired Member - Confers usual member right for an individual who has retired from teaching. ($30 / year)